Pap Smear.

There are very little words I hate more, IF ANY, than the words Pap Smear. Pap Smear to me is the grossest combo of sick sounding words ever created! Do you not agree?

Think about it…Pap? Who the fuck created the word Pap..what IS a pap exactly? (it’s derived from the doctor that created the pap smear, Dr. George Papanicolaou) and why the fuck do we have to smear it? Why not say Pap rub, pap swab, pap dabble, pap smudge even! Or get rid of both words, why not call it a rainbow test? dew drop analysis? unicorn pronge?

Those are MUCH better choices! Did you also know they have an ANAL PAP SMEAR? sweet.

It would really suck to be this guy in the photo below.. you may know him from Nirvana & Foo Fighters. No wonder he was in Nirvana, imagine the torment he got for his name:

Pat Smear.

Pat Smear.

One Response to “Pap Smear.”

  1. chelsea Says:


    moist scab.

    worst combination of all time. i actually shuddered just typing it.

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